FOME Course Marketplace
Operations Management
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Duration (hours)
Cost (USD)

Companies produce and deliver goods or services to meet customer demand through various operations. In this course, students discover how the operations of any organization can be designed, analysed and improved to lift its performance, whether the organization is a bank, a hospital, a resort, a manufacturing plant, or a fashion retailer. The course will explain how operations management skills can be used to reduce costs, lower inventories, cut waiting times, improve quality, enhance service levels, and increase revenues and company profits.
Specifically, students will gain practical knowledge of process analysis and design, demand forecasting, supply chain design, inventory management, logistics and sustainability. With a focus on the core trade-offs that govern operations management, the course offers the necessary foundation to create and manage sustainable operations that create a lasting competitive advantage in a global context.
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Map a simple operations process
Describe the different types of processes
Differentiate between the different processes according to the 7 characteristics and 2 dimensions (variety vs volume) (intensity vs customisations)
Explain the related concepts of throughput time, capacity utilisation and queuing
Understand the basic mathematics of queuing theory
Apply the 8th principle of process theory about improving processes through reduction of throughput time and undesired variation
Individual Report (30%)
Online Exam (70%)