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28th May 2024
Millennium Hilton Bangkok, Thailand

Personalised learning is not a new phenomenon; indeed, some would argue that all learning needs to be personalised for learners to engage with it (Beetham 2005). Effective teaching will encompass catering to the different needs and abilities of different learners. This could mean tailoring instruction and learning tasks to individual students' needs and interests. When learning is personalised, every student engages with the right material and instruction to challenge them appropriately at the right level.


Why form the AUN-TEPL Network?

A survey was administered to all 51 members of the ASEAN+3 University Network in 2018. Given the interest indicated by survey respondents, the AUN Thematic Network on Technology-enhanced Personalised Learning (AUN-TEPL) was proposed to be formed as a concrete step towards collaboration among the AUN members. This thematic network could tap on the potential synergy and data economies to improve students’ success through technology-enhanced personalised learning methodologies. To further enhance students’ learning experience using technology-enhanced personalised learning, universities in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)+3, or ASEAN University Network (AUN) can work together by collaborating and forming alliances to leverage the potential of big data.



To foster collaboration among the ASEAN universities to improve students’ success through technology-enhanced personalised learning. 




Building capacity amongst participating universities through a series of symposiums

Creating a platform for universities to exchange educational tools and content

Promoting technology-enhanced personalised learning as an area for inter-university research and projects collaboration

Use varied, personalised, and readily available digital resources to design and deliver instructional content

Incorporate technology that models and fosters self-regulated learning strategies


Use technology to provide timely and targeted feedback on student performance


To find out more on how to be part of a collaboration project or to seek out for collaboration with other universities, please feel free to contact the the AUNTEPL secretariat at Singapore Management University. The team will get back to you via email.


Thank you! We will be getting in touch with you soon!

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